While sex is pleasurable and enjoyable in itself, amazingly enough having an orgasm can actually cure lots of different health problems. As if we needed an excuse…


1. Orgasms cure headaches

“Not tonight darling, I have a headache”. Sound familiar? Next time you hear those feared words, inform your better half that our pain threshold raises during an orgasm, making us better equipped to block pain. So put some effort into it, make your good lady come and that might just make that headache go away. And then you can do it again, since she no longer has a headache.


2. Orgasms cure stress

Nothing beats the blues or relaxes the stressed mind like the glorious afterglow of a particularly intense orgasm. The hormones released during the climax increase feelings of happiness, bonding, relaxation as well as other positive emotional states. Often we let stress get into the way of sex and just don’t feel like doing it when there are so many things on our minds. While stress or depression is likely to deflate your libido, sex might just be the perfect antidote so try and give it a go.


3. Orgasms cure morning sickness

While it might be argued that it was initially sex that caused the morning sickness, it can also be helpful in curing it. According to one theory, what actually causes the morning sickness is the reaction to sperm so building your body’s tolerance to it, for instance by swallowing, is supposed to alleviate the symptoms. Try to get that point across to your sick-as-a-dog better half while she has her head in the toilet and it might just earn you a blow job. Or a slap on the face, if she’s that way inclined. It’s up to you whether you deem it worth a try.


4. Orgasms cure insomnia

First of all, good sex will exhaust you like any other form of exercise, only you will be more inclined to actually doing it. But apart from that while coming you also produce a hormone called oxytocin that will make you feel relaxed, sleepy and generally warm and fuzzy. If you don’t reach the desired effect the first time around, keep trying – maybe the second round will be more helpful. Besides, at least you are having fun while you are awake.


orgasms cure it all - fuck more


5. Orgasms cure ache and pains

During an orgasm, your body produces natural chemicals such as dopamine, endorphins and serotonin which induce both pleasure-enhancing and pain-relieving sensations. It might also be that you are just enjoying yourself so much that you forget all about the pain. Granted, the pain-relief from an orgasm might be short-lived – maybe only ten minutes or so – but then again according to some researchers even just thinking about sex can alleviate pain. Whatever it is, if it works, we don’t need any explanations!


6. Orgasms cure PMS cramps

The notorious PMS cramps can also be tackled with orgasms. While the uterus contracts in grips of a climax and the blood flow increases, it helps to relieve the cramps. Also the general bliss this pleasurable experience causes can help with the other PMS symptoms such as irritability and crankiness. While going there might be the last thing in your mind at the time, it might just pay off.


7. Orgasms cure hiccups

Granted, hiccups is probably pretty high on the list of things that do NOT make you feel sexy. However, if you can get over the initial embarrassment and possible amusement caused by your hiccuppy encounter, having a monumental orgasm could make it all go away. Apparently “digital rectal massage” (now that sounds sexy!) as well as stimulating the vagus nerve, leading to an orgasm, will cure even the most stubborn case of hiccups. Not to mention how much nicer it is than trying to scare yourself silly or holding your breath.

So go for it, whether you are with a partner or going solo – orgasm therapy is a healthy and enjoyable way to take care of yourself.



© podraboty / Dollar Photo Club und gpointstudio / Dollar Photo Club




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