Role play can provide you with an amazing opportunity you explore your sexual fantasy with your partner(s), but how do you bring it up? summarized the best advice to role playing games and how it can be beneficial for you and for your relationship. 


When sex advice writers talk about role play, the focus is usually on spicing things up and exploring sexual fantasies, which yes, is one very important reason to try it out. (Kinks can be fun, who knew?)

But there are many ways that role playing games can go way beyond sexing up your sexy times and strengthen your relationship(s) at the same time. (Kinks can be growthful, who knew?) 

Role playing demands communication

Or it asks nicely for it, fluttering its eyelashes and looking cute. In whichever way you play, set up the scene, talk about the dynamics, plan the costumes and scripted elements, it requires thoughtful discussion about your deep-down wants and needs. For example, can you be upfront about your desire to put on a suit and tie and a strap-on and have someone give you a proper blow-job? If you want to fulfil these urges that sometimes aren’t that simple, you have to use your words.

Learning to communicate well is the best way to make sure that your sexual fantasies see the light of day in a manner that is closest to what you have in your head. If you want to play naughty schoolboy and your idea of being appropriately punished is being paddled over your teacher’s knee, while your “teacher’s” notion of entertaining punishment is standing you in a corner with a dunce cap on, well then… that difference might cause a bit of a stumble in the middle of a scene. Might be better to get that sorted before any rulers or blue blazers come out.

School girl - teacher role playing game.
Role playing is a giant game of dress up

Role playing sparks the imagination

It’s right there in the phrase: role playing. Role playing games are games for grown-ups. Mostly we have gotten playfulness drilled out of us well before we have to go out and get a job. Imagination and play aren’t requirements in most places of work (although perhaps they should be), so we set those qualities aside. Maybe we get a little sheepish if we get caught having too much fun at a hobby, but mostly we don’t think about play anymore. Well, sexual fantasies are a chance to get it back.

Role playing is a giant game of dress up, and you’ve got an infinite variety of costumes and props to play with. You can do anything, or pretend to do anything, that you can imagine. If you were not constrained by considerations of money, your own career choices, or even things like gender or age or species or the very fabric of space and time itself; what would you be? How would you touch your partner? What would you even call this person that you’re touching in this particular, rather slippery/sweaty way? 

Think of this all as a game that you get to make the rules for, and change them as needed. This kind of play is excellent for lovers, binding you together in a common cause: THE SEARCH FOR SEXY FUN.


Role playing gives you space to be someone different

Most of us play different roles already anyway: who we are in public, who we are with our partner(s), who we are in family situations, etc. We know when and how to bring different parts of ourselves to the fore, which means other parts of us will fade to the back. What if you miss those parts? What if they involve sex acts or clothing that you like but are scared of, or scared of being rejected for wear?

When we role play, we create valuable space for us to bring our different sexual facets to the front. Whether that’s being a steel-toed bossy bitch, or wallowing in the sensation of silky pantyhose against a cock, or even as simple as wearing fairy wings and mismatched socks and having an ice-cream fight: role playing gives you and your partner room to air out all your bits, from the kink to the kooky.


Role playing lets you experience your partner(s) differently

In an excellent corollary to the above, when we create space in which our lover(s) can show different sides, we are given a chance to see those sides. Role playing helps keep us “fresh” for each other, whether you’re letting something out to play, or trying on a role that is more a “mask.” We see different things!

Maybe your lover decides to step into that military uniform finally and take on the posture and tone of someone who is really in authority. As you kneel at their feet and kiss those highly polished shoes, take a moment and appreciate the fact that tomorrow morning they’ll be bringing you coffee the way you like it in bed. It almost seems like two different people, and you get to have both!

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