Ten Foods That Will Boost Your Sex Drive

Whether you're up for getting laid five times a day or you only want a quickie once a month, we've all had times when we just can't be bothered. It might be the stress of work, tiredness or just because you feel a bit ‘meh’, but whatever the reason, it's normal to lose your sex drive every now and then. Whilst you could pretend you're too tired, or even fake a headache to get out of it, why come up with excuses and miss out on all those amazing orgasms you could be having? Eating certain food can be a great way to get your libido back on track and you and your significant other back in the sack. Here are just a few of the many foods that can get you feeling horny again.

Dark Chocolate

photo by Lee Mc Coy via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license.

photo by Lee Mc Coy via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license.

Yes, you've read that right- chocolate can increase your sex drive! Not only is it delicious, dark chocolate contains phenylethylamine, which releases the same endorphins produced in the body as when you're in love. It gives you a natural high as it induces feelings of euphoria in the brain and provides you with energy to burn- perfect for putting you in the mood to get down and dirty. Researchers in Italy have discovered that women who eat dark chocolate regularly have a better sex life than those who don't eat it at all! Could there be a better excuse to reach for the chocolate?



Italian scientists have termed watermelon ‘nature's Viagra’. Why? Because it works in exactly the same way as the libido boosting drug! Watermelon contains an amino acid called citrulline, which triggers the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide relaxes the blood vessels, and this is essential for getting and maintaining an erection. If you're a guy who's struggling to perform, why not nip down to the greengrocers for a big juicy one? You'll be rising to the occasion in no time.



photo by purplesherbet via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license.

photo by purplesherbet via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license.

Honey has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries due to its libido enhancing qualities. In fact, it's thought that the term ‘honeymoon’ was derived from an ancient tradition when newlyweds would drink honey together to heighten sexual desire. Honey is full of nutrients that are vital for reproductive health and virility, such as vitamin E and zinc, so why not bring it into the bedroom and have fun licking it off each other. If that doesn't make you feel sexy, nothing will!



For centuries ginger has been used in trusted Chinese medicinal remedies, and for good reason. Healthy blood flow is crucial for maintaining a good sex life and ginger is proven to improve circulation and encourage blood flow to your naughty bits. You can find it in the fruit and veg aisle of most supermarkets, or look in the tea section if you'd prefer to drink it. Why not cook a romantic meal for your other half- simply peel and finely chop the ginger, then chuck it in a stir-fry to really spice up your sex life.



Berries, such as strawberries, blackberries and blueberries, are fantastic for boosting your sex drive. They contain high amounts of vitamins C and E, which not only improve libido but are also beneficial for healthy skin, making it extra sensitive and responsive to touch. You only need to snack on a handful of berries a few times a week to really feel the advantages. Eat them as they are, or add to them to cereal and yoghurt and you'll soon be feeling frisky.



It's hard to eat a banana without being reminded of its phallic resemblance, but it's not just how this fruit looks that can get your mind fantasising about sex. Bananas are rich in minerals and vitamins that are crucial for the body's ability to produce sex hormones in both men and women. They also contain the enzyme bromelaine, which is thought to reverse impotence in men. As if that wasn't enough, they're an excellent source of energy and will provide you with enough stamina for a long, steamy session. Better get peeling!


Red chilies

photo by Chris Brown via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license.

photo by Chris Brown via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license

Add some heat to your sex life with some spicy red chillies. They contain the chemical capsaicin, which not only increases blood circulation and stimulates nerve endings for extra sensitivity, it also speeds up heart rate and results in an exciting, natural high. Chop some up and add them to a curry for a red hot session.



It's thought that the smell of almonds evokes passion and acts as a sexual stimulant in women, but it's not just the smell that can improve sex drive. These tasty little nuts contain zinc, selenium and vitamin E, which are all important for a healthy reproductive system. Zinc is also great for increasing sexual desire, so pop some nuts in your mouth and get swallowing.



Eggs are a traditional symbol for fertility, and it's no wonder why. Eggs contain B5 and B6 which are important for balancing hormone levels and easing stress. They are also a brilliant source of protein, which is an egg-cellent energy booster, and the amino acids they contain can even combat erectile dysfunction. Sausage and eggs, anyone?



photo by Jeffrey Bary via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license.

photo by Jeffrey Bary via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license

Oysters are one of the most renowned aphrodisiacs in history, and whilst some argue that this is because of their resemblance to lady-bits, there's a lot more to them than that. Oysters are one of the richest food sources for zinc, which promotes testosterone and oestrogen production and increases libido in both sexes. Zinc is also important for healthy blood flow to the genitals. Serve up some oysters to suck on and you'll soon be sucking on something even tastier.

Food and sex combined- what could be better? So head to your local supermarket and fill your trolley with all the tasty ingredients for a happy, healthy and very active sex life.


photo by jrsnchzhrs via Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 license.



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[…] some good old-fashion ways of boosting your sex drive: watch a dirty movie, read an erotic novel, enjoy foods known to be aphrodisiacs, or maybe engage in some role play with your partner. In any case, no pill will fix possible […]

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My penis is very small

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Wat should i do i don't squirt easily

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what is the solution if the penis is very small?

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sir give me a fucking tips for long time sex with my wife,

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give me fucking tips

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i'm 15.would it be ok for me to try these foods?

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