

Articles about Fisting

  • Dear Abi, What's the deal with fisting? Is it a real thing that real people actually do, or is it just something that happens in porn films? How would it even work? Yours wincingly, Fisting Virgin ...
  • You’ve heard everywhere that it hurts, but have heard the occasional whisper that it can feel really good, usually with the implication that those who enjoy it are perverse and wrong. You might be int ...
  • “Up the bum, no babies!” That’s just one reason to get into anal sex. The other is that it can give both men and women some of the best orgasms of their lives. asked Alex Hopkins to giv ...
  • Similar terms for Fisting

    Similar terms: Fist Fucking, Anal Fisting, Vaginal Fisting, Ass Stretching, Cunt Stretching, Anal Stretching, Fist Fuck, Butt Plug, Pussy Fisting