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  • 🔥 Zeigefreudig/Austausch 🥵

    Hallo, die Gruppe ist für alle, die gerne mehr von sich zeigen wollen. Zeigt euch, euren Körper, eure Sexstellungen und Vorlieben. Tauscht euch aus...
  • Cunnilingus Liebhaber

    Für alle die es lieben die Frau mit ihrer Zunge zu verwöhnen. Und alle Frauen die es lieben verwöhnt zu werden. Egal ob von Mann oder Frau. Hie...
  • Wichsen gegenseitig

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  • Gangbangs in Deutschland

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  • Reif,Versaut und DauerGeil

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  • Ü60 ... Geil drauf & drunter

    WICHTIG !!! Profile ohne Foto werden abgelehnt ... ich behalte mir auch vor leere Profile, Profile die erst vor kurzem erstellt wurden oä komment...
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Diese Gruppe ist für alle die aus der Region Konstanz/Kreuzlingen kommen.

Hier Sollen sich alle über ihre Erfahrungen austauschen können , Treffen vereinbaren ect.

Bitte behandelt alle mit Respekt!

icon-wio Maierle673 created an entry in Konstanzer Erotik
Eine Frau Lust den Mittag mit mir auf dem Boot zu verbringen gemütlich sonnen was trinken, und den Rest sieht man
icon-wio Bigdaddy911 created an entry in Konstanzer Erotik
Hey eine Frau verfügbar?
icon-wio SwissThurgiBoy created an entry in Konstanzer Erotik
Ist eine willige Bodenseenixe hier? 😜😜😜

Similar preferences as Konstanzer Erotik

Erotic art is as old as time. Nudes, most often done with paint, pencil, and more recently photography, are common forms of portraying and encouraging our seductive ways. Great historical examples are the murals of fertility rites, that can be found in the French caves of Lascaux. Also in Pompeii where the ancient Romans covered brothel doors and even sidewalks with erotic decorations. Of course, we can hardly be shocked by these naughty depictions, since porn, Hentai and nude photography are so common nowadays. Perhaps some of the subtleties have been lost in favor of extreme close-ups and money shots. All the same, we have a world of traditions at our finger tips; we have plenty to appreciate.
Often confused with porn, erotic photography is a bit more artful. In general it’s done in a studio with a professional photographer. A lot of thought and preparation goes into these photo shoots. Though they are sexual in nature, they are not intended to arouse the viewer in the way that porn would. With the rise of the digital age and the (nude) selfie phenomenon, erotic photography is in danger of being lumped in with the wrong category. This is something you could hang in your office.They are generally black and white photography with creative lighting and classy nudes- in slightly suggestive positions. Erotic photography celebrates the beauty of the body and its sexual capacity. An important tip for making your own erotic photography: consent. Consider that maybe it was okay at the time, perhaps even to share these photos online, but that can change. These wishes should be respected if it they come from your ex. Clean off those spectacles and take a peek at these links: Photo Swapping, Cybersex, Erotic Art, Erotic Film